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Sustainable Urbanism

Jisr a-Zarqa

The Jisr a-Zarqa cell was established two years ago as a result of the desire of a group of female residents to deal with the waste problem in the village.

Population density in Jisr a-Zarqa is high, infrastructure for separation of waste is non-existent and the frequency of waste removal is low. This situation creates an accumulation of waste in the streets. The waste affects the appearance of the neighborhoods, the sense of safety and belonging in the public space. Moreover, it constitutes an element of danger to public health. Because of its geographic location, Jisr a-Zarqa, which is a coastal fishing village – the waste situation also pollutes the nearby coastal strip.

The purpose of the campaign is to motivate the local authorities of Jisr a-Zarqa to establish an organized infrastructure for collection and separation of waste. We are doing this in cooperation with various active groups in the village, among them, a group of women and young leadership in the schools, which is working to raise awareness and harness the village population.

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