Green Course is a movement of people who understand that the only way to change reality is to act. We are a flat democratic movement that consist of activists from all over the country.
How? We are organizing to build a (non-partisan) political-civilian force that daily influences decision-makers and policy, on a national and local level.
Green Course is a movement of men and women who understand that the only way to change reality is to act. We are a flat democratic movement made up of activists from around the country.
Established with the goal of making Green Course’s tools and methods accessible to anyone who believes that another way is possible and is interested in taking action – whether in a local struggle or as part of a call for a broad policy change.
Does the climate crisis burn within you? This is where the leaders of tomorrow are born.
Are you a group leading a struggle? Together, we can help you become a strong community that will win this struggle.